A complete online marketing strategy involves so much more than simply creating a website that contains some information about your business. It also includes keeping tabs on your online reviews, website analyticsMetrics such as the number of visitors to the page, which keywords got them there, how long they spent before navigating away, their journey through your site and where they click. These figures are valuable for determining whether optimization efforts for a site have been effective., directoryFor Internet marketing purposes, directories are sites that aggregate the contact information and ratings of multiple businesses. These can be general, like an old phonebook, or specific, such as a site that shows all the practicing lawyers in a specific area. listings, PPCPay-per-click ads incur charges whenever users click on them, and their cost is determined during a bidding process. In Google Adwords, for example, these ads show up when users search for relevant keyword phrases. efforts and making strategic decisions based off the data you collect. Staying on top of this responsibility can be quite difficult for any business owner or marketing director. But it doesn’t have to be.
With Online Image® statistics observation software, you can keep track of several important factors related to web performance on a custom dashboard.
- Highlights: See the most important metrics for your website in a glance
- Search Engine Rankings: View where all your keywords are ranking and track changes over time. You can even see the search engine listings themselves with the simple click of a button.
- PPC Statistics: See which keywords are bringing up your ads, what ads your customers are clicking on, and how much each click is costing you. You can keep tabs on the overall progress of your ads with interactive graphs.
- Listings: To strengthen your website’s overall visibility, we submit your information to a list of respected directory sites. Find out where your business is listed with available links to these URLsThe entire set of pages that make up a website, including the homepage (root domain) and all other pages..
- Reviews: Read what people are saying about your business on Google, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Insider Pages, and Super Pages. We also have printable templates that you can use to request additional review from your customers.
- Website Analytics: Find up-to-date information on the number of times your siteThis type of uniform resource identifier (URI) is the name for essentially all addresses online, but specifically ones that use the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. has been viewed, how long people stay when they visit, and more. You can customize what you see, and you won’t need a master’s degree to understand the data.
- Schedule Assistance: When you have any questions about information listed above, you can schedule a call with your Account Manager with a button on the page.
Online Image® Observation Deck Benefits
During scheduled phone calls with your account manager, the two of you will discuss the performance of each item in the statistics observation software. From there, we can determine the adjustments that will help your website succeed, such as page buildouts, new PPC ads, review requests, and more.
Stay informed on your online web presence by utilizing the Online Image® Observation Deck. Contact us today to learn how to access your page or how to begin an online marketing strategy with Online Image®.