What You Need to Know in SEO: News and Updates, June 2015

Google Buy Button is Coming

google shopping logoShoppers will soon be able to buy products directly from the search engine results page, the company’s chief business officer Omid Kordestani said during the Code Conference last week. It will most likely hit mobile devices first. This will prime Google to compete with companies such as Amazon and Facebook. The button has been planned for Google’s paid product listing ads. Other companies planning buy buttons include Pinterest, Snapchat and Instagram/Facebook. Pinterest will roll out the feature for iOS users by the end of the month, according to the company.



Yahoo Maps is Shutting Down

yahoo mapsWhile Google expands service, competitor Yahoo announced in its quarterly progress report last week that Yahoo Maps will close at the end of June. However, it will continue to support maps on apps such as Flickr. The 8-year-old map program, which has lost steam in recent years, is being discontinued as the company works to “better align resources to Yahoo’s priorities.” Last year, Yahoo shut down its flagship produce Yahoo Directory and, in the last few years, has shut down 60 other properties.



Bing Jumps on the Mobile Optimization Bandwagon

bing mobile tagJust weeks after Google rolled out its “Mobile-geddon” algorithmFormulas or computational procedures used to solve complex computer problems. update aimed at giving preference to sites that are easy to use on the go, Bing has followed suit. The competing search engine hasn’t announced any dates, so is likely taking it slow. Already, however, Bing has added a mobile-friendly label in mobile search results.




Google May Unverify Some Local Business Listings

If you haven’t logged in to your Google My Business account in a few months, now is a good time to do so. In a help forum last week, Google’s Jade Wong said they will be contacting some business owners by email who haven’t been to their profiles in six months. Those listings may be unverified if the emails aren’t returned.

“It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the inbox associated with your Google My Business (Locations) account,” Wong said in the forum. “It’s also a good idea to regularly log into Google My Business (Locations) to confirm that your business information is current and accurate.”