
What if every misconception you had was every belief you held?


That’s a powerful thought right? The idea that every core value, experience, thought, reaction, or emotion up to this point has been wrong. You have been wrong.

I can actually already feel your inner ego screaming … already. Did you feel that? Wrong? As humans we HATE that word. In fact, most times even a “humble” man is just one who is quietly plotting your demise while someone else is vocalizing it. We are trained to be right. All. The. Time.

Now internalize the thought that most of your beliefs come from a reaction to something. Follow me with this thought for a moment. Your reaction to anything is generated from your attitude, knowledge, beliefs … and most time your emotional state. Beyond that, however, there is a basic evaluation to every situation and in turn every reaction. Right vs. wrong.

That seems a little elementary, and maybe it is but I promise I can drive this thought home based on that premise. Your beliefs and reactions come from that singular emotion when you take away outside influence (or really even when you factor that in).

Let’s take a moment to strip this down because really now that you know you’ve been wrong, it’s going to be much easier to influence correct thinking. Perception.

I think we reactively take perception as a bad thing. We squirm at the thought that our perception isn’t correct; that someone else has a different perception. We automatically assume that perception means confrontation, especially in a creative work space. In fact, I am under the opinion that this breeds the environment where perception is most easily construed. Why is that!? What is this common thought that puts us immediately on the defensive the second someone else has an opinion aside from our own?

“There are no facts, only interpretations.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

I love borrowing quotes from people much smarter than myself.

“There are no facts, only interpretations.” We are all aware of this sentiment so why is it so difficult to internalize? The truth is, we make it much harder than it has to be because we are unwilling to throw out our basic need for control long enough to allow an external thought in. Even the most creative minds hold on to the thought that their creativity has more weight than the next creative mind. This is a disparaging thought.

 “We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.”
―Kahlil Gibran

So what you’re saying Mr. Gibran is that my perception is on auto pilot? Uhg, doesn’t that kick you in the pants? You’re an educated adult right? You’re open minded. You’re intellectual, and intelligent.

Did you just feel the thought creep in “My perception is NOT on auto pilot!” ….. AHHA! Auto pilot! See, there it is!

Do we control our thoughts or are we influenced by them? Do we perceive things or do we react with perception?

Notice my careful use of the word “perception”, not perspective.

Perception… the idea of becoming aware vs. perspective … point of view.

There is a small but distinct difference, and method to the madness. I use the term “perception” because we are creative minds. With that there is already the habit to be more aware. This blog is to kindly point out that difference. I pose the question… “Are we “aware” of our thoughts, other’s thoughts… or are we simply constantly throwing up a point of view reactively?”

This is a reactive thing, yes? Mr. Gibran really does say it best.

 “We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.”

It’s hard to imagine that if we were all more mindful of being aware vs. just having an opinion that we wouldn’t take a huge step in moving forward effectively and creatively rather than simply just having a discussion about why we aren’t progressing.

How often do we have absolute control of our thoughts, actions and emotions? How often does this play such a huge role in the point I’m attempting to drive home?

If the stars should appear but one night every thousand years how man would marvel and adore.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

One great thought from another creative mind. That’s perception right? We see the stars every night. That’s perspective.