15 Reasons to Date an SEO Marketer

In our mission to educate the world about SEO best practices, we sometimes take ourselves a little too seriously. Something about today feels like a little levity will not be out of place. So we at the Online Image® office have compiled our top list of 15 reasons you should date an Internet marketer. Here we go!


15.   No runaround. We won’t redirect you. In fact, we’ll optimize our conversation to match your key terms.

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14.   Count on lots of love letters – content is the buzzword these days.



13.   We won’t stop at one good impression. We want to make thousands. Why? Because our goal is to be your #1.

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12.   We have a way with words.



11.   Plus, constant keyboard usage equals great muscle tone.

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10.   We know exactly what you want — we study search trends. And that means instead of trying to change you, we can give you just what you’re searching for. (Just know ups and downs come with the territory.)

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9.   We won’t ruin your reputation. In fact, we’re here to build your brand.

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8.   We come very well reviewed. Just ask Google! No, we didn’t influence those results, we swear. Also, check it out: You’re on the first page for “most wonderful lover in the world.” You’re welcome.

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7.   We’re very well-connected. For example, we may not do window washing, but we know a lot of people who can. And we know the best-ranked — er, I mean *rated* restaurants in town.

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6.   With regular reporting, you’ll always be informed about your current performance. And speaking of performance: We study the competition to stay on our A-game.

regular reporting


5.   We have great design sense. And we’re used to A/B testing, so we can help you zero in on the perfect date-night outfit.

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4.   We’ll work on building the relationship. It’s what we’re all about.

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3.   We’ll optimize our apartment into the perfect — ahem — landing pageAlso known as an entry page, this is the first page a user visits on a site. Often, these are built specifically for ad campaigns..

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2.   Our bounce rate is low, but our conversion rate is highly ranked — if you know what I mean. Call to action, baby!

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1.   And lastly: Have you seen our vinyl collection? Talk about a return on investment.

powered by vinyl