Google Changes How it Ranks Hacked Spam

hacked spam road-sign-464656_640Sites that have been hacked can be risky for both businesses and their customers, and Google announced it is changing its search engine algorithmFormulas or computational procedures used to solve complex computer problems. to target these sites more aggressively.

In fact, Google is likely to stop displaying hacked sites in search results at all rather than displaying them far down in the listings.

The behaviors it will penalize sites for include the marketing of counterfeit goods, illegal pharmaceuticals, port and promotion of low quality sites. It’s already against Google’s standards to promote anything illegal in AdwordsGoogle’s paid ads program for display and PPC (pay per click) advertising..

Just last month, the U.S. Small Business Association warned companies to ramp up cybersecurity efforts.

If your site has been hacked, let your Online Image® account specialist know. You can also check out Google’s guide to fixing the problem yourself.

In related news, Google has stopped showing locks with little yellow triangles before the URLs of sites with a mix of HTTPHypertext transfer protocol is the system of data communication used online. It uses hypertext with logical links (hyperlinks). The http:// or https:// string of characters is the first part of most URLs. and HTTPSThis is the protocol for secured data communication, and it requires authentication for privacy and integrity. A URL that begins https:// means that a site is encrypted. content. The change, which will occur in the latest version of Chrome, means users will see either a lock with a green triangle, one with a red triangle or a gray paper symbol.
