The Great Mad Libs Experiment

While dropping delicious gumdrops of SEO knowledge is what we do best at Online Image®, we still like to have a little fun here too. After original plans for this week’s blog post fell through, we decided to go back to a classic childhood game with an Online Image® Mad Libs experiment. I wrote a short story about our company and had some of my coworkers add in various nouns, adjectives, and more. The results can be found below. (New words are in bold.) Enjoy!

A cat wrangler walked into Online Image® feeling a little bit hostile. He was in need of some help with his audacious website. He was soon greeted by the whimsical receptionist sitting behind her bulbous desk. “Welcome to Online Image®!” she said. “How can I help you?” He took a few deep breaths, and collected his thoughts. “I own a website that sells Furbys and I haven’t got any decent traffic since The Battle of Waterloo. My potential customers would rather watch a video of a capuchin monkey eating tacos than visit my site. Can you guys help?”

“Of course!” she replied gently. “Let me polevault and grab someone to assist you.” A few jiffys later, she appeared with a stinky salesperson wearing a Papal tiara and a jubilant account manager in Doc Martens. One of them said, “Let’s take a look at your website and see what we can do to make it blow.”

After some casual conversation talking about the latest gossip surrounding Bill Murray and traveling to San Francisco, the three of them went the extra mile. They reviewed the vengeful website and spouted about keywords the client wanted to target, including empty shoe, paraffin wax, and tiger balm. They also found a few things that they could change with the website to improve performance, such as dusting. Once they were finished, the customer felt much more serenity and decided it was time to get back to his yurt.

“Thanks for adulting,” the account manager said. “Here is a gift to show our appreciation for signing up with us.” She handed him a sumptuous, hot pink statue. The customer let out a definitive yell that sounded like a giraffe. “This is the best gift I have been given since my uncle gave me Superman underwear for Christmas!” He placed the gift under his shoulder, waved goodbye, and hopped on Trax, listening to Nickleback as he rode off into the sunset.